From: blue lotus nυμφαία (115013010)
To: (218267874)
Date: 09/04/2010 11:13:24
Subject: Use Your Sleep To Make Quantum Leaps In Self-Development
How To Use Your Sleep Time
To Make Quantum Leaps
In Self-..Development
The raucous victory of this title in the vote attests both to how absurdly busy we must all be, that we feel the need to even use sleep to work on ourselves, and to the courage and majesty of the innate human drive to grow, even during sleep.
In fact there’s no point wasting sleep on random dream-..excursions if you’re feeling impelled to accelerate your progress now. To the contrary, dreamtime is perfect for being at one with your deepest, warrior-self and changing the deeper messages you’re sending to the Tao.
The deepest warrior-self, the immortal witness-bearer within, hangs about your midbrain region – that’s the access point for your local self to gain entry into hyperspace/..quantum real/Tao.
Before sleep, set things up in the context of you heading off on a pilgrimage to see your spiritual master, your guiding presence, or however your mind likes to symbolize primordial wisdom.
Before closing your eyes, press firmly on the tendons leading into each wrist on the soft side of the forearms in line with the little fingers. This is your spirit door and as the name implies, opens you up to the deeper/higher realms.
As you do so, tell yourself, “I am preparing to surrender to my spiritual guide/..master/Tao now, so it can show me whatever it is I need to know to expedite my progress in all senses. And even if my conscious mind remembers little of what happens between now and when I awaken refreshed and re-energized in the morning at [fill in the desired time of awakening here], my subconscious mind is already making full use of the opportunity.” Or words to that effect.
Next relax fully into the sleep position and allow your consciousness to slide backwards in your skull until it’s nestling comfortably in the centre of your brain.
Normally the danger with meditation and pulling the mind back to the midbrain, is the possibility of falling fast asleep.
You’re now using that very danger to actually allow yourself to fall asleep.
However as you do, imagine you’re looking out at the room through the very centre of your forehead.
This may take a couple of nights’ practice but once you get the swing of it, you’ll be able to see the room fairly clearly.
After a few moments your brain will be flooded with a very bright light.
Remind yourself not to wake up to turn off the bedside light, as it really does look as if you’ve left it on by mistake, so bright is the light.
Instead, let the light flood your consciousness and within moments you’ll be lucidly dreaming yourself on a trip to see the master, in which you’ll be given all the information you need and can handle to expedite your progress in all respects.
As I say, this usually requires two or three nights practice to get the hang of, but once you do, you’ll be astonished at what you can get up to.
I learned the entire mirror form of the tai chi long-form by visualizing myself doing before sleep, then using the above to dream myself through it in the presence of a master, and though I'd never done it before in the waking state and it’s one of the hardest things to learn in tai chi, the following morning I woke up and did the whole form through in mirror version flawlessly.
You’ll be able to adapt the above to make similar strides yourself in no time at all.
source: http:../../
artist: Daniel Bourbonnais
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